Sunday, May 1, 2011

Quick Pizza Dough & Sauce

Quick Pizza Dough

Dissolve until foamy:
·        1 TBL dry yeast
·        ¼ cup warm water

In another bowl, mix together:
·        2 TBLs. Cooking oil
·        2-3 TBLs sugar
·        1/8 tsp. salt
·        ½ cup boiling water

After oil mixture is just warm, add the yeast mixture.

Add and knead together until no longer sticky:
·        2 ½ -3 ½ cups flour

Pizza Sauce

Saute in 2 TBLs cooking oil:
·        1 medium onion, chopped

·        3 cups tomato puree
·        ½ tsp. sugar
·        1 ½ tsp. brown sugar
·        ½ tsp. salt
·        ¼ tsp. thyme
·        2 tsps. bouillon powder (optional)
·        shake of pepper
·        ¼- ½  tsp. oregano
·        3-4 garlic cloves, minced

Simmer sauce until thick.  Cool thoroughly before spreading on pizza dough.